In person
In 2023, the 14th edition of CBSoft will once again be held in person, from September 25th to 29th on Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul👉 Map
Istvan David
McMaster University
Sustainable Systems Engineering: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Current systems engineering practices fall short of accommodating sustainability criteria that are highly complex and often measurable only in the long run. Experts and influential organizations are calling to action in developing novel methods and tools to support the engineering of sustainable systems. Surely, we must take our systems engineering practices to the next level to effectively handle the complexity of the next generation of systems that are fully expected to be sustainable in the environmental, societal, economic, and technological sense.

Modeling, and especially model-based and model-driven engineering techniques are powerful tools in taming complexity. As such, modeling is a particularly important enabler in addressing the challenges associated with sustainability. Unfortunately, traditional modeling techniques do not scale well enough to effectively support wicked problems such as the engineering of sustainable systems. Digital transformation efforts and specifically, the surging adoption of Digital Twins and the Digital Thread have opened new frontiers in making use of modeling and simulation. To fully leverage these opportunities (the Good), we must understand the limitations (the Bad) of modeling and simulation based digital techniques, and we must embrace the grand challenge (the Ugly) that systems will become sustainable only if their engineering practices are sustainable in the first place.

Jonice Oliveira
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Utilizando as mídias sociais para apoiar Sistemas Intensivos em Software

Mais do que entretenimento, podemos identificar níveis sem precedentes de engajamento e participação de usuários nas mídias sociais. As pessoas consomem e compartilham informações atuando como “sensores humanos”, formando opiniões e participando – ativa ou passivamente - da evolução de outros sistemas. Além disso, o volume, variedade, velocidade de criação e propagação dos dados gerados e consumidos, além da riqueza semântica, abrem enormes possibilidades de utilização e análise para fins pessoais, comerciais e sociais, tornando-se parte integrante de sistemas cada vez mais complexos. Nesta palestra abordaremos os tipos de conhecimentos extraídos de redes sociais online, bem como eles podem ser úteis para estratégias e melhoria de softwares.